Wednesday, May 2, 2012

WWCND? Or, "What Would Chuck Norris DO?" if he created a clan ... prolly sumfin differnt than this....

Note: jump to the "tl;dr" sections to by-pass the wall of text....

As the Packer told Vince Lombardi after they had had a horrible season, and on the 1st day of training for the next year, Vince said to the team, "guys, we're gonna take it slow: [holds up a football] this is a football," and a player raised his hand and said, "can you got a little slower?..."

What Vince Lombardi may look like....
I did this same thing in my own head when making the clan, and thinking about recruiting.

I did the K.I.S.S. principle (no shing, I will not kiss you) : "Keep It Simple Stupid" <-- me being the stupid one here, k?

tl;dr: kiss

A. WoT is now, srsly, an old game (I mean, any game older than a year right?)
B. The core of good, veteran, dedicated players are 99% mopped-up by veteran, well-known clans (a guy I've known in the game since the beginning, would not join my clan based on this fact, and joined a veteran clan instead -- yes, he was talented).
C. Moneyball: find the "rejects" that aren't rejects at all, but simply not in a clan due to some small oversight, or lack of motivation/encouragement.

So, realizing A, B, C, above, I made these my requirements:

Clan Requirements:
1. Player _must_ be good at killing tanks.
2. Player _must_ be good at killing tanks.
3. No assholes.

That's the _only_ critera to recruit/join the clan (*EDIT* I left one out, it is at the end....).

Other criteria:
I disregarded these other criteria in order to grow the clan, as best/fast as possible (else, people will get bored/be unimpressed with a perpetually smallish clan doing nothing):

Not Required:
A. Must have headset/do voice.
B. Must be in the right/a good time zone.
C. Must have Tier 10 vehicles (or Tier 9 mediums/Tier 8 Artillery).
D. Must be able to tie a knot with a cherry stem with tongue with mouth closed (anyone who wants to learn this trick, please contact shing).

What Jennifer Aniston may look like with a cherry in her mouth
(No, this is not shing, but gawd I wish it was....)
The reason I set the above criteria has already been explained, but my final thoughts were: if you build it, they will come (yes, Kevin Cosner, trudat, but if you make some weird movies like "Water World" and "The Postman," people will just sorta cock they heads sideways and wonder wtf is up with you....).

Point: get 'em in the clan.  Give 'em a chance.  Some of those:
A. without a headset will maybe get one one day.
B. some of those in the wrong time zone will still be there for the clan war and/or, still
impress others to join the clan with they raw talent, in pub battles.
C. some of those without Tier 10s _will_ have them one day....

Warm bodies is what I'm after, but not just warm bodies, but warm bodies with the sheer, unadulterated (I use that word a lot this week) ability to do one thing: kill tanks.

If you've not seen it, watch Moneyball -- that's what I'm trying to do here.  (No, "Moneyball" did not make me make this clan, I just think it's neat and Brad Pitt is hot! ...jk, shing has the hots for him

But in Moneyball, the mantra was: "get on base."  <---- SIMPLE!!!!

Our clan has a similar mantra: "kill tanks." <----ALSO SIMPLE!!!!

So, I hope this helps.

The rest will come, it has to, it will.  I believe it to be so.  Yes, Virginia, there is a clan out there....

Imagine these baseball players in the movie, "Field of Dreams,"
as incredibly talented tank-players walking in to join our clan!!!
I can't stop typing.  I can't stop typing....

But wait.  My big, final, of all things.  The one word.  The thing!
THE WORD that this clan is built on is this:

"No Pressure!!!"

And it's going to stay that way....

I was trying to find a good picture of Rick Perry having brain freeze and label it, "what pressure may look like," but instead, I found this incredible pic of Rick Perry with Chuck Norris, and law #132 of "Chuck Norris" code states: "whenever surfing for images for your blog, and coming across an image of Chuck Norris, you must stop, and use that image....

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