Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Deputy Commander: Yamserov

Yamserov has been promoted to the rank of Deputy Commander.  He has shown good:

-Great ideas
-He comforted shing one night who was deep in tears

The Tank Company work we did this past weekend was all his brainchild, and he is doing a lot to get us toward Clan Wars.

Here is a strat write-up he has provided (I think from the forums).  Feel free to submit your own and I will post it:

TLR Basic Tank Tactics: Some Key Points
In No Particular Order
Credit to the WOT Forums

  • Stick Together: Move as a unit with tanks in your area/squad. Break cover together, keep moving together, and set up assaults, defenses and ambushes utilizing the particular benefits of the tanks available. E.g. hide reasonably behind the most armored tank when faced with enemy assault. A wall of advancing tanks is intimidating and effective, and so it running into one!
  • Maneuver: If you're driving a tank, your job is generally to move! Yes, you want to blow up the enemy, but it's so much easier if you can punch their weak spots. In general you want to push the enemy and force a reaction to you; grab his attention with one force, fix him, and slam him from the side and/or with arty. Maneuver is useful on attack and defense; if the enemy forces you to react, make sure you meet him on ground that suits your tank (if possible)! HULL DOWN!
  • It is far better to push into weakness, especially if it's a weakness your team created. That said if you must push into strength, make sure you can stand the casualties (or else defend)! 
  • Communicate: Communicate with your squad, and make sure the commander knows what your squad is doing if it's a significant departure from the plan. Keep radio comms clean, and communication quick and concise. Tell us if you're flanking, so we can support!
  • TELL YOUR COMRADE IF ARTY CAN HIT THEM WHERE THEY ARE! ALSO TELL ARTY IF THEY ARE BEING COUNTERBATTERIED AND COUNT THE SHOTS! Hell, count the shots any time; it'll give us an idea of enemy composition.
  • Scout: Information is power; we'll have a plan going forward based on the map and any other info we can glean beforehand (espionage?), but without scouting we don't know the enemy's strategy, vectors of attack, composition, etc. except as a comparison to what is possible on that map. MAKING RED BLOBS APPEAR, WHILE SURVIVING, IS GOLDEN!
  • Shoot to kill: Squad leaders, at a minimum, will call out targets with T key; attack the most dangerous/damaged targets to quickly lower the enemy's firepower. This advice may go to shit in the middle of combat, but keep calling those targets! Also, squad leaders should verbally call out targets requiring arty support (squad leader on a planned offensive front should be receiving the majority of arty support anyway). If you see an opportunity to counter battery the enemy and they don't know they've been spotted, use communication to land multiple rounds on one target if possible to increase chance of kill. 
  • Stay Alive: The longer you are alive, the more pain you can cause the enemy team! Directly or indirectly, you can take away HP, the ability for enemy to cross an area unimpeded, the ability to avoid arty, etc. Your abilities, with the exception of module/crew damage, do not decrease when you are at 1HP! Likewise, shield your teammates with your tank if they're almost dead! This especially goes for times when we might need to withdraw in force.
  • Don't stop where arty can hit you! Don't bunch up where arty can hit you!
  • When moving to cover, do not stop to fire! Just go to half-speed if you must. 
  • For scouts specifically, unless noted otherwise, don't suicide scout! The longer you're alive, the greater advantage you will bestow to your team. A scout in the end-game of a battle is priceless!  Another small point for scouts: I don't recommend firing unless you are trying to draw attention to yourself or attacking arty. And add lots of transversal velocity, juking, and praying.
  • Situational Awareness: Make your minimap BIG, and look at it! Always consider what is happening around you. What might you find ahead of you, using process of elimination (of enemy force composition)? Where are common ambush points? Arty, are you getting plinked by a scout? TDs, are you getting flanked? CAN ARTY HIT YOU RELIABLY WHERE YOU SIT?? 
  • Be a good sport: We are playing to have fun, blow shit up, and to have fun improving. If criticism is necessary, administer it in a thoughtful, respectful way; take advice and learn from it. Have a sense of humor, it's only a game! If you feel like you have been wronged by someone, talk to them about it in private before bringing it before the clan leadership; we're all on the same team, and these things can often be resolved before FESTERING into something foul. Like FKD says, no pressure!
And in conclusion:

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