Monday, May 7, 2012

Night of the long turrets: Our 1st Tank Company Thing

Or, reality department of reality....

tl;dr: need suggestions, thoughts, comments, augmentations, words, nouns and adjectives....

To start stuff off right, here's a pic of Olivia Wilde:

We did our first clan practice, training, stuff last night.  I must say, it was interesting.  For my part, I tried to prepare myself for the worst:

-Low turn-out
-Low wins
-Argments and hair-pulling
-Run out of beer in-the-middle-of-it....

I felt turn-out was good.  I feel expectations were acceptable.  I must say tho, I was really hoping we would pwnz them all!  I was glad we ended up vs. some clans.  I think tank companies are good for that.

Also, we ran into one or two guys who seemed to understand better the clan stuff and doing the right tiers to get a game going, etc.  Bottom line: we left the pub, random battles and indeed wetted-our-feet into the lands of clans....

And now, the Audi Locus:

And then, we got smacked....

Don't get me wrong.  We won some, and we lost some.  I think it all goes to show that just raw, pure, win rate alone isn't enough.  We got rolled a time or two (or three?) by clans with much lower win rate, that over-powered a sid, etc.

Also, we got rolled cuz we went into battles with:

-No arty
-Way outnumbered (shing: "we're screwed" <-- lol!)

-We all got together roughly about 8:30is PMish ESTish.  We did indeed kick things off at right about 9PM EST.
-We did 7 battles of one form or another including: Tank Company, Training and Intramural Training (we played vs. each other -- dangchang did me in the butt! with his E-75!)

Here are the screens of each in, I believe, chronological order:

Training Battle
In this training battle, shing asked to be raped -- he so dirty -- sideswipes tried hard to explain strategy and tactics, but ADHD took over, and several people capped the flag, but no one would admit who did it, lol!

Training Battle
Another training battle, intramural, except that one guy (wtf he come from?) Ths is where dangchang did my E-75 in the butt with his E-75's gun.  Again, sideswipes tried words, but people ADHDed rolfcoptered....

Tank Company: Defeat
Ok, they pushed hard on dry-river-valley/big mtn side with heavies; I went mid in my T59 and made it to their side but dies; we lost of course; Note: no clan we played last night had better w/r than we did.

Tank Company: Victory!
This one went well.  I stayed water, and duked it out successfully with a T34; the 3 arty we picked up from outside the clan made the difference; of course, you can see our guys did the lionshare; we were vs. an entire clan here and won; raw talent mighta been the thing.

Tank Company: Defeat
Alright, following the recent pwning we gave, we/I/w/e felt we were The Avengers; we launched into this one with only 8 -- some clannies had left -- and after picking up about 3 strays, we did it with _no_ arty; in the great words of shing, "we're screwed," and we were....

Tank Company: Defeat
Another defeat at the hand of an entire clan-team; their w/r wasn't all that -- I don't remember any of them over 50%; they pushed hard valley/no-rocks side; I believe we spread out equally; once the right (no rocks/hills) side collapsed, it was over.
Tank Company: Victory!
This was acutally our 1st battle of the night in Tank Companies; we tried going absolute, but were advised to drop down in tiers -- called, "Medium" I think; this was a nice victory, and led us to believe we didn't need a full compliment to pwn me thinks; however, we were not vs. a clan in this one -- all randoms looks like: basically like we were fighting as a clan vs random pubs.

Overall, I think we would have done a tad better with more people, as at least one of the defeats -- Sand River -- we stupidly went in without _any_ arty at all, and out-numbered, vs. mostly a single clan.

We basically went 2 for 3 victories/defeats in Tank Companies.  If we count the 4 battles vs. actual clans (the one being _not_ vs. a clan) we actually went 1 for 3.  If you remove the one defeat wherein we were outnumbered _and_ no arty, we went 1 for 2 victories/defeats for the night.

As for strategy, accomplishments for the night, what-did-we-learn, words vs. just playing, etc. -- I think Yamserov put it best:

"Our strategy will most likely come about organically" <-- very well put.

I.e., we will learn how to play together by simply playing together.

Questions I have:
A. Did we lose to the other clans bcs they simply piled-up a side and pushed?  Is the key to just beef-up one flank and push it all the way?
B. What's the ratio of: Heavies, Mediums, Lights, TDs and Arties that we should take?
C. Why does the post office suck at mail?  What else do they have to do?

And finally, apparently Mel Gibson watched our first clan Tank Company stuff last night....

Mel took this pic of himself with the iPhone 4s, "facing" camera
Srsly tho, thx to all who showed up, much appreciated.  I hope we can repeat.

Again, zero pressure clan.

Love, peace and chicken grease....


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