Friday, May 11, 2012

Clan Wars: Memo from Yamserov:

Yamserov has provided the following, excellent write-up on:

TLR CW Execution

Strategy Summary Document

TLR CW Execution


Where are we now? - At this time, TLR is in the growth stage of preparation for Clan Wars. We have grown membership nearly to the level necessary to field one full team of 15 people. We have been recruiting excellent players. We are starting to develop group cohesion and delegating leadership roles. We have created web platforms and activated a voice server. We have increased our fun quotient considerably, and sessyness is nearly off the charts.

Where are we going? - Our initial goal, for those interested, is to achieve full control of a Clan Wars province. In order to achieve our goal, we must:

1. Increase the amount of CW capable tier X Heavy and Tier VIII Artillery available.
2. We must implement a successful, appropriate training regiment to achieve force readiness.
3. We must continue to recruit members, a significant percentage being of appropriate skill, time zone, and availability for basic CW operations.

We will achieve these goals using methods our members devise.

Long Term Costs? - We require significant monetary expenditure for consumables and premium ammunition. Time expended on training, recruitment, and successful capture of territory will be significant, especially for TLR leadership and CW participants. In addition, virtual resource expenditure will be high in terms of credits and experience points.
Capital Needed? - We require appropriate numbers of high tier level armor and SPGs, and more tankers with high participation and skill.

The Long Road - Competition for CW territory is incredibly intense, requiring negotiation of tactical, diplomatic, and coordination challenges, as well as challenges of clan will. These hurdles are exacerbated by the mature state of CW politics; multiple power blocks control most major territories. This plan acknowledges the desire of TLR members to participate in these challenges, but also acknowledges the significant likelihood of setbacks during this iterative process. We must take steps to ensure the clan still has fun while pursuing our goals.

Semper Gumby - In view of the difficulty of this task, choosing a territory to pursue is open to further research. Contingencies for capturing CW territory include a plan  to participate in joint operations with smaller clans in exchange for revenue sharing, or if necessary a merger with smaller clan(s) in an equitable manner after a period of consideration and research. In view of the high failure rate and difficulty of the latter step, it would not occur without cost benefit analysis and extensive consultation of clan members, followed by a vote.

^approves^ (note: this is not Yamserov)

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