Tuesday, May 15, 2012

State of The Clan

Approximately 2 months ago, Tank Club was formed.  In that time, we have grown to a membership of 25 people.  There have been bumps, but we are plowing on.  I mean, to me, a growth of 25 is darn good.  That's about a dozen people a month.

And we have recruited, not from the sea of common players, but quality players with great stats....

Even if we only grow by half that much between now and mid-June, that'll take our numbers up to 30something, and on from there.

I have viewed, literally, thousands of WoT accounts, confirming the stats are of the level our clan needs.  I have documented each one that is a possibility.  I then contact each one as they come online (I even keep a ledger so as _not_ to contact more than once -- I did not do this early on and got _told_).  I've been:
  • Ignored
  • Told to f*ck off
  • Been given promises
  • And rarely, I get a recruit
I continue this and spent prolly 2 -- or more like -- 3 hours last night doing nothing but this.  My methods continue to perfect.

  • Our first clan night could be defined as, "wtf?"  But then again, we learned how to _be_ a clan
  • shing keeps trying to put lace around the edges of his tanks
I just want to encourage everyone, and myself, that I think we have come a long way, but still have a long way to go.  We have to look at this as a ballistic shot, more than an alpha-strike -- i.e., we're shooting our round high into the atmosphere, and a half hour from now, it'll come smacking make itself known, unlike a close-in shot from a 704 right next to you.

FKD, why it take so long?
  • We are farming recruits from upper tiers, largely burned-out on clans, and/or who have sworn to never join one (we've managed to snag-up some of these of most exceptional skill)
  • We are farming new players with promising stats, but it'll take them a bit to get upper tiered vehicles
  • We are still a relatively new clan -- 2 months is really nothing -- our presence is becoming, and will be known.

Our clan rankings:

At some point, the gravity of the clan will carry itself, and I hope to _not_ need to keep up this dogged, recruiting, pace.  In the mean, I carry on....

Analogy time: recruiting is like buying stocks, which are buying companies.  Most of these will fail, and return no profit on the work of buying them.  Few break even.  Some, rarely, return a profit, and make up for all the rest.

The few of you reading this, and that are actually helping out, are like a good stock on Wall Street.
I want to especially thank Yamserov and shing who have been helping immensely.

And now, to keep you reading this blog, here's some pics of Marissa Miller:

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