Friday, May 4, 2012

Reality, 80/20 & this

[scroll down to tl;dr section if you have ADHD like me]

1st, here's the 2012 Ducati Diesel Monster:

2nd, we got 24 members now!

3rd, there's this thing called, "the 80/20 rule."  I hate it, cuz I hate buzz terms used by mgt and salesmen, but, it sorta applies.  I mean, the concept of: "only a minority of this will do that," is really all it means.

So, point: let's keep our expectations real.  And sure enough, it seems about 20% of the 24 are:

A. active.
B. platooning.
C. eager.
D. sexy.

I mean, basically, about 4 to 6 of us are showing interest in:

A. clan wars
B. strategy
C. discussions over how good my butt looks

Ne how.  No big, just wanted to prepare us for reality.

The clan remains zero pressure.  Only a minority have:

A. Given me their emails.
B. Tried the voice/chat server.
C. Checked this blog.
D. Inquired as to how I got so cool.

It's all good.  The clan will continue to be zero pressure.

Sunday is our first scheduled Tank Company meeting thing.  Get ready for about 20% to show.

Reality: turn out will always be low.  And that's cool.  Oh, and we will probably lose our first clan war battle and then some.  That's cool too.  Great if we win.

And oh, I spoke to a veteran who might join our clan temporarily to help out.  He said it costed him $200 to do clan wars as you _must_ use gold everything, bcs everyone doing clan wars is using gold everything.

I punched "20% tits" into and got this:

See what you make me do to get you to read this blog?

tl;dr: only a small minority of the clan will be active, clan wars will be tough if not expensive, but shit, it's all good, cuz zztop has the greatest beards in history....

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