Saturday, May 19, 2012

Growers & Showers

Some were recruited based on top-tiered vehicels: Maus, E-100, IS-7, T110E5, etc.  I call these, "showers," cuz you have the tiers to "show" in the game, and I mean, when you can, say, pull out a big huge Maus, and roll it up on they in battle, then, that, is the quintessential definition of "showing."  You indeed, "show" your big, huge, tank.  Whether it is parked in the garage, or rolling into battle, it's fully shown, fully big, fully tier 10.

Some of you were recruited without a big, huge, "show" tier 10 tank.  I just want you to know that, too, are a "shower."  Why?   Cuz you had the skills, the stats.  Yes, I examined your service record, I ran your stats at or, I compared your stats.  I compared them just like I did the "showers" in the clan.

I said, "this guy has big skills too and one day, they will indeed be seen in a big, tier 10, tank.  He will one day, "grow" into a tier 10, and have those same, elite skills as he does right now in the smaller tiered tank.

So, just know, that whether you show or grow, you are all big to me, and I appreciate the size of your skills.

Just sayin'


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