Monday, February 18, 2013

WoT: Stats: Efficiency

If your colors in combat next to your name didn't take a hit (at least, if the numbers didn't change to the lesser) then you are lucky.  I lost my blue standing in xvm and am now a ... *gasp* ... a green!  I went from 1510 to 1440.  Needless to say, I am a stats-zombie like many of us, and this bothered me.

Of course, I read and found basically made flag work mean fuck all -- worth far less.

I've seen guys who had unicum standing go down into the 1700s.  Few have had little change.

My gut and rants about it is it will only encourage people to _not_ out-cap the enemy team and leave flag circle to kill that last, tier 2 arty who's in the battle cuz he platooned with his idiot friend in an E-50.


I like some things about each stats site.  I like cuz it shows both old and new efficiency readings.  Now, here's something odd:

My TDs -- where I have most of my defensive work in, resetting enemy flag caps -- took a huge hit.

I guess they've turned into shit anything to do with the flag.

One former clan member -- who joined an "elite" clan under their charter of: "Must have over 2,000 efficiency" ... well, he did when he left us to go to them.  Now, his is in the 1700s I think.  He lost 200 some-odd points....

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