Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tank Company Changes

This was almost a month ago, but I just saw it:

^basically, tank companies to go away/be entirely reworked.  It mentions WoW "Dungeon Finder" feature which I do have experience with (yes, did play some WoW).

That being the case, you simply enter a queue alone or with others and wait for a "team" to form, then the battle launches I would assume.  Comments anyone? <-- feel free to correct me here on what that post means for WoT (google translate is failing on the source page with "server error" /first-time-seen-that-fail)

Oh, and I saw in 2012 that a console version of WoT was thought about but not soon, but that source link indicates it is now more a coming reality....

I wonder how that'll work out for us PC gamers....

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