Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Rules of Tank Club

Consider this the de facto disclaimer for "Tank Club":

Welcome to Tank Club.

This is an OGO ("Online Gaming Organization") that focuses on the video game, "World of Tanks").

^that made me throw-up in my mouth.

This is a clan.  A wot clan.  We believe in:

  • No pressure
  • No obligations
  • No assholes

There.  Read no further.  That was your tl;dr.  It was also prolly your invite message.

More stuff:

  • You do not have to be in this clan <-- duh!
  • You can leave this clan at any time <-- duh!
  • If you leave nicely, maturely, you can prolly come back <-- like you'd want to right?
  • If you want to leave, please, for the love of god, just leave.  Honestly, do you need to rage hard, mild or lightly before hand? Are you _that_ much of a woman (I'm the only woman aruond here gdi!)
  • Yes, I use these <-- these <-- that arrow thing there

At teh very worst, accepting the invite to this clan will mean:

  • a red shitty fist on your tank/td/spg ("wtf is this red shit on my tank" <-- what one mild rager said before quitting")
  • a channel in your WoT tool bar that'll maybe blink at times when new text arises in it

^if either one of those are just too fucking much for you to take and/or, if you want to be in a great clan that requires shit you _must_ do to stay in it, then, I beg you, leave.

You can:

  • leave raging
  • leave silently
  • leave lovingly
  • leave honorably
  • drop a deuce
  • get your blood wings
  • go for a hole in one (that means, shitting, wiping, and no shit on the tissue paper)

In all srsness (yes, rly srs now) if you join, only, ever, idle in clan chat, or go afk forever from game, or w/e, and we finally reach around 100 members, then you will prolly be kicked from the clan.

We r not there yet.

Most you -- any that read this prolly -- are awesome tho, and I love you.  I do.

The rest, srsly, gth (get this hotel).


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