Friday, April 27, 2012

New Members, Platooning Last Night & Stuff, But Not In That Order

I had an incredible time platooning with Yamserov, Stiffee and CameleonSPY.  The other night I also had a killer time with Brodix.  All much fun.  Thanks guys.  To sessy....

The mumble/murmur server seems to be working excellently too.  Please try it out.  Get login info in clan chat channel in game and/or, gimme your email address and/or get from other clan member.

Also, our roster grew a good bit this week with the inculcation of our clan and concept upon others -- um, stfu fkd, ok, I mean, recruiting.

Welcome these new members:

And now, here's a 1966 Chevell Super Sport:


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