Monday, April 30, 2012

Clan Wars: Memo #235

Shing is working on getting us ready for Clan Wars:

Basic rule of thumb to take in a match is
10-11 tier x heavies
2 tier ix mediums scouts
2-3 tier viii arty

Some variation for tier ix td in very specific map spot choke points

That is at a minimum because we have to allow for scheduling conflicts
Mediums need to be fast scouts.  I would recommend pattons, batchats and t-54s
Imo the e50 is too big a profile to be a good scout but could work in a pinch.

Heavies are generally favoured to is7 and t110.  Maus and e100 are ok
but sub par imo
Very big and hard to take cover from arty
French tier 10 heavy could be good in the right hands

I invite comment and criticism.  This is what i have so far.  Is4 may be workable once at tier 10.  Really it is untested but should be fine.  We really need as many people using gold rounds as possible. Players who play in matches get paid in gold from province earnings for playing.


My long term plans are to foot our best skilled players first, then fill in from there.  A panzerkeil so-to-speak ... not the literal formation, just as far as line-up goes.

I see many ... er, several obstacles to our 1st clan war:
-15 tankers: we have to have at least 15 guys show up at all.  As of right now, I've not seen 15 on at one time in the clan chat channel, and the most active, maybe, 5 -- i.e., chatting, talking.  There are some who just want to hang in the clan chat and have not peeped.  That's fine.  We might can augment the numbers needed with mercenaries?
-Tiers: although we've done a great job getting talent, tier 10s are another story.  I have not at all focused on tier 10.  I _have_ focused on: skill, skill, skill, and then, Wittmann's.  I focused on
Wittmann's _not_ to get tier 10s, but to prove their skill was vs players that were not noobs.  If they so happen to have tier 10s, good. *****MY GOAL HAS BEEN TO RECRUIT A CLAN THAT _WILL_ BE ABLE TO COMPETE*****  Not trying to yell, but emphasizing  that I had to choose between:

A. Recruiting skilled players that will one day have tier 10s and kick ass and,
B. Recruiting not-so-skilled players that currently have tier 10s, _but_ _that_ will prolly therefore lose clan war battles and,
C. Try to recruit very talented (the level of talent we currently have) players that also have tier 10s.

I think had I chose C. we'd  have maybe one recruit....

Other Obstacles:
-Gold rounds?
-Time zones (I've not paid attention to time zones at all, this could bite us).
-Language barriers?  I've recruited some non-English speakers.  I figured, why not?  They know how to shoot at tanks and they stats rock!

Clan To Do:
-Schedule some Tank Company play (see who/how many show; good test).
-Give each member of the clan $1,000 to use in gold rounds during Clan Wars.

More obstacles?

And now, here's a picture of a gun:

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