Monday, April 30, 2012


Welcome to the clan!


Good to have you guys....

Clan Wars: Memo #235

Shing is working on getting us ready for Clan Wars:

Basic rule of thumb to take in a match is
10-11 tier x heavies
2 tier ix mediums scouts
2-3 tier viii arty

Some variation for tier ix td in very specific map spot choke points

That is at a minimum because we have to allow for scheduling conflicts
Mediums need to be fast scouts.  I would recommend pattons, batchats and t-54s
Imo the e50 is too big a profile to be a good scout but could work in a pinch.

Heavies are generally favoured to is7 and t110.  Maus and e100 are ok
but sub par imo
Very big and hard to take cover from arty
French tier 10 heavy could be good in the right hands

I invite comment and criticism.  This is what i have so far.  Is4 may be workable once at tier 10.  Really it is untested but should be fine.  We really need as many people using gold rounds as possible. Players who play in matches get paid in gold from province earnings for playing.


My long term plans are to foot our best skilled players first, then fill in from there.  A panzerkeil so-to-speak ... not the literal formation, just as far as line-up goes.

I see many ... er, several obstacles to our 1st clan war:
-15 tankers: we have to have at least 15 guys show up at all.  As of right now, I've not seen 15 on at one time in the clan chat channel, and the most active, maybe, 5 -- i.e., chatting, talking.  There are some who just want to hang in the clan chat and have not peeped.  That's fine.  We might can augment the numbers needed with mercenaries?
-Tiers: although we've done a great job getting talent, tier 10s are another story.  I have not at all focused on tier 10.  I _have_ focused on: skill, skill, skill, and then, Wittmann's.  I focused on
Wittmann's _not_ to get tier 10s, but to prove their skill was vs players that were not noobs.  If they so happen to have tier 10s, good. *****MY GOAL HAS BEEN TO RECRUIT A CLAN THAT _WILL_ BE ABLE TO COMPETE*****  Not trying to yell, but emphasizing  that I had to choose between:

A. Recruiting skilled players that will one day have tier 10s and kick ass and,
B. Recruiting not-so-skilled players that currently have tier 10s, _but_ _that_ will prolly therefore lose clan war battles and,
C. Try to recruit very talented (the level of talent we currently have) players that also have tier 10s.

I think had I chose C. we'd  have maybe one recruit....

Other Obstacles:
-Gold rounds?
-Time zones (I've not paid attention to time zones at all, this could bite us).
-Language barriers?  I've recruited some non-English speakers.  I figured, why not?  They know how to shoot at tanks and they stats rock!

Clan To Do:
-Schedule some Tank Company play (see who/how many show; good test).
-Give each member of the clan $1,000 to use in gold rounds during Clan Wars.

More obstacles?

And now, here's a picture of a gun:

Update #1,326: Hell Yard Weekend....

My riding lawn tractor broke down and I had to weed-eat the entire front yard.  Now, the front yard ain't that big, but trust me, it was too big to weed-eat the entire thing.  I pretty much felt like Brad Pitt in this scene with my yard being his opponent of course:

However, I am far more cut that Pitt ...  ¬_¬

Besides having a killer time platooning with Stiffe and Yamserov again -- ye ol' Lords of War -- I recruited hard.  Each battle, I took screenshots, examined players, and tried to recruit.  I probably sent a 100 invites and chats -- all strikes, but I did meet some great players follow-ups.

Any help is appreciated.  Recruiting, study-of-clan-wars, graphic art work, name it.  I only ask that you actually be good at what you want to do and/or put some effort in.  If not, just go play gd tanks! :)


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ace! Stiffee!

Stiffee (4/29/2012 7:32:32 PM) Victory! Battle: Murovanka Sunday, April 29, 2012 4:23:03 PM Vehicle: E-75 Experience received: 2,053 Credits received: 82,410 Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker, Steel Wall, Sniper

Ace! Ingwar_Rus

Ingwar_Rus (4/29/2012 6:20:57 PM) Victory! Battle: Mines 30 апреля 2012 г. 2:12:56 Vehicle: T-34 Experience received: 1 654 Credits received: 41 475 Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker

Platooning last night & yet mo' status update....

I played with (and got a...) Stiffee last night for quite a bit.  'Twas of much fun.  Thx bro!

Stiffee (4/29/2012 2:03:51 AM) Victory! Battle: Murovanka Saturday, April 28, 2012 10:53:11 PM Vehicle: Löwe Experience received: 2,460 (x2 for the first victory each day) Credits received: 80,415 Battle Achievements: Confederate
Stiffee (4/29/2012 2:47:13 AM) Victory! Battle: Prokhorovka Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:34:53 PM Vehicle: T110E5 Experience received: 1,537 Credits received: 81,252 Battle Achievements: Confederate, Sniper

Good to see the others online.

I'm still recruiting, every day, getting lots of rejections, but meeting folks and not everyone is so off the idea.  Unfortunately, me thinks, bad clans have turned a lot of great players away from clanning.  Preach our message of zero pressure!

Or, as it was once said, "shit man, now it's all gone...."

And now, here's a pic of some thongs:

Friday, April 27, 2012

New Members, Platooning Last Night & Stuff, But Not In That Order

I had an incredible time platooning with Yamserov, Stiffee and CameleonSPY.  The other night I also had a killer time with Brodix.  All much fun.  Thanks guys.  To sessy....

The mumble/murmur server seems to be working excellently too.  Please try it out.  Get login info in clan chat channel in game and/or, gimme your email address and/or get from other clan member.

Also, our roster grew a good bit this week with the inculcation of our clan and concept upon others -- um, stfu fkd, ok, I mean, recruiting.

Welcome these new members:

And now, here's a 1966 Chevell Super Sport:


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Voice Server Again and stuff....

The voice server is working.  I emailed the info to those of you that I have an email for.  I can give it in chat.  I do not want to list the info here publicly though.



Welcome to the clan:

Voice Server

I worked on the voice server last night.  I am needing to do DDNS (Dynamic DNS) since I do not have a static IP via my cable Internet provider.  The only free one I can find is, but it comes with caveats.  In any event, all seemed to work, but I cannot ping my voice server via t3h internetz.  So sorry, but again, I'm trying to do this for free.  Will work more on it tonight.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clan Status & Stuff

Hi guys,

Communication is everything, so here we go:

I'm not sure how this will be taken, but it's the best I can offer and do ATM.  You might agree/disagree/like what I'm about to say, but it is what it is:

Our clan page at

My view on clandom/clans/clanning:
I've been doing clans off-and-on since the mid/late 1990s and Quake World. I've seen mistakes. I was in some WoT clans before making this one.  Both were great experiences.  Clans usually fall into 2 bad places: #1: bad politics and #2 dead.  The #3 place is a fun clan, active, with all sorts of members and levels of involvment.  That's what I'm shooting for now.

Since I was so dedicated to WoT, and since I wanted to experience a bit more of it, I made this current clan. Shing & I ran a very successful clan in the late '90s. I'll not get into it, but my principles are as follows:

-Involvement: Members can do anything or nothing, up to them. If just playing WoT is all they want to do, and never being involved beyond that: good.
-If they want to do clan wars: good.
-If they want to leave the clan: good.
-If they want to contribute in _any_ way: good.
-If they are assholes, well, that ain't good....

Clans can be political, immature and can complicate what is otherwise a game I just want to play.  This one will hopefully go right.

tl;dr: anything goes with our clan, and just have fun, but lemme know what I can do to get you there....

Clan Wars:
Some want to do clan wars and are asking me about it.  Man, you gotsa know, I'm trying.  "When" I'm asked.  "Soon I hope" I hear.  Me too ... me too, but let's look at the raw facts here:

I've been recruiting pretty hard for about 6 weeks -- since making the clan.  Now, I did take a break when moving, so, for at least 4 weeks -- a month, I've been recruiting hard.  How?  Glad you asked.

-Hall of Fame: I've gone through the entire Hall of Fame, top 1,000 players with the best average experience per game, checked each one to elimate based on: A. already in a clan, B. actively playing (many simply do not play anymore), C. make sure their stats reflect the ability sought after ("hey! he has incredible stats!!! but he's played 15,000 games all in the Hotchkiss, and has no other tank").  I am now also going through other Hall of Fame pages.  If I had to estimate, I've looked at easily several thousand player profiles trying to recruit....
-I've installed the Win Rate Mod, and I look for/hunt players reflecting great skills. I do not know how many I've gone through this way, but lots and tons -- maybe as many as another 1,000.
-I've polished my recruiting skills using messaging, game chat, name it.
-No, I try not to bug/stalk people.  Once they do not respond to the invite, I'm done, and remove them from the list.  The vast majority -- 98% -- simply say nothing at all.  Some are nasty to me.  It takes  thick skin.

tl;dr: I'm working my ass off recruiting

"FKD: why do you go by stats?  That's wrong and dumb and you are a n00b!!!"

I'm glad you asked: bcs stats matter.  I'm not arguing this.  Watch "Money Ball."  If we want to win, we have to, "get on base."  If it's any consolation to you, I recruit people with better stats than me.  I personally feel I am not a great player, or even good, and my winning measure from past experience is: always recruit people better than you -- this works in the business world to.  You should also marry that way.  Never hire or especially, marry some one who is a bigger piece of shit than you.  You'll regret it.  NO!!! If your stats are worse than mine, you are not a piece of shit.  Not all recruiting is trying to find Michael Jordans, and there are more stats than just win rate.  Other than that, I'll not explain anymore (typing too much).

tl;dr: All recruits that will participate in clan wars need a w/r of at least 53% or higher.

I need your help.  Hopefully, you've read this far, but after a solid month of hard work, we have a total membership of 14.  Of this number, only a few are active enough, only a few have tier 10s, and there's simply no way we will do a clan war any time soon at this rate -- we will eventually, but me going alone will take longer.

"FKD: what can I do to help?"

I'm very glad you asked.  Let me know what you want to do and I'll promote you to that ability.  Obviously, I need help recruiting.  I've done tons on my own so far that maybe no one knows about:

-Made this blog
-Learned how to use Gimp and made the clan logos/graphics
-Made 2 voice servers (that no one uses)
-Made a facebook page (ikr!)
-Made a twitter page (ikr!)
-Typing this monstrosity out now

tl;dr: I need your help, please reply and help recruit

Lastly, if nothing else, I need you to communicate with me.  You don't have to (see "My view on clandom" above), but it would be great if you did.  I've sent several messages using WoT's messenger service, and I can see if they are viewed.  Of the 13 of you, only one person ever has viewed them that I saw/when I checked, days after sending.  Again, that's fine, but if you want more out of this clan, then you gotta give.  To quote Kid Rock, "you get what you put in."  But again, no pressure, not mad, not scolding, but to those who want more, this is where we are ATM. 

FYI, you can always quit (I hope you don't) and try for an established clan.  That may work better if you want Clan Wars ASAP.

tl;dr: read the gd communications I send :)

Lastly, I'd love to do emails.  Please, if you can/will, give me your email address(es).  I promise I am not a serial killer (not anymore).


Monday, April 23, 2012

Logos Uploaded

I uploaded the logo(s): 64x64, 32x32 & 24x24:

More Clan Logo Work

I worked over the weekend improving my shop skills.  Here is a nother rendition of the new design -- again, concept and/or, taking stabs at ideas:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Clan Logo

I'm still messin' with gimp, and a clan logo.  Check out the latest (looks at big graphic header).

For the redudant sake of being redundant, here's what I've got so far:

Please vote, comment, /like, + or - or w/e these and/or, make one and let's all look at it!


Mumble Voice Server

The new voice server is up!  Get the logon info from the clan channel in game.

Make sure to download the Mumble client here:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day of defeat....

So much fail today:

Battle: Komarin Saturday, April 21, 2012 5:31:35 PM
Vehicle: Type 59
Experience received: 1,222
Credits received: 128,616


And then, Ingwar_Rus:

Battle: Ruinberg 22 апреля 2012 г. 2:36:57
Vehicle: KV
Experience received: 1 957
Credits received: 41 248
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker, Top Gun

Wins #182

Battle: Siegfried Line Saturday, April 21, 2012 9:11:19 AM
Vehicle: T30
Experience received: 2,762 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 44,406 Battle Achievements: Reaper


Welcome to the clan:



Friday, April 20, 2012

Stats: 4/20/2012

Working on stats over the past 30 days I have the following: (The listed player is the leader in each):

XP: Yamserov
Battles: shing
Captures: AzonHYDI
Defends: Thepimptastic
Destroyed: HCGxKaLiBeR
Detected: Shing
Dmg: HCGxKaLiBeR
K/D Ratio: HCGxKaLiBeR
Survived: AzonHYDI
Victories: opossum19

Good work guys!

A Day In The Life of Tank Club: 4/20

It's 4/20 :)

Shing The Great got this did:

Battle: Province Friday, April 19, 2012 10:49:46 PM
Vehicle: PzKpfw 38H735 (f)
Experience received: 2,934 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 16,461
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: I Class, Scout

Seen today:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clan Update 4/19/2012

Voice Server:
The ventrilo server is no more. As explained, the free version only supports 8 at a time, and then, Mumble -- that I hope to go with -- has better results.  In short, I hope to setup a Mumble server soon to be used for our voice communication.  Check out the video at the bottom of this page:

Welcome to the clan: Yamserov!

Battle Victories!
Please send me your awesome battle victories and we will put them up to shine on the site(s).  I had this one recently:

Battle: Ensk Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:35:53 AM
Vehicle: Marder II
Experience received: 778
Credits received: 9,208
Battle Achievements: Kamikaze, Halonen's Medal

Friday, April 13, 2012

The blog, as most things, has been neglected due to my recent move to a new house.  We are finally settling in, but construction and stuff continues.  In any event, I slacked off on lots of stuff vid game related, especially recruiting.  Today, I picked it back up.  We now have a new recruit, Neo_Patton!

Skills & Perks Guide:
I've also been some what busy as well with my Guide to 7.2 Skills & Perks:

Stay tuned!