Friday, January 25, 2013

Growers and showers

First off, checking traffic sources for this blog, we have been pinged 13 times for the search term, "growers and showers"...  isyn.

*USMCSemperFi is looking into the new tier 3 clan wars stuffs.*

Next item: casual

Scratch everything up til now.  This clan -- I mean, online gaming esport organization -- is and will be casual.

No one will ever be required or kicked out for:

-Not being in game x-amount of days.
-Not using voice chat.
-Not juggling used hamsters.

It is my belief that staying true to our "no pressure, no obligations and no assholes" is the best policy.

Clan wars: sure. Go for it.  I'm there, but it'll haffa be without pressure.  This is a pressureless clan.

I dedicate the lion share of my not-battling time recruiting.  This is a lot of work sometimes, but I am not complaining.

I ... am ... not ... complaining ... what was I talking about?
tl;dr: feel free to help out with:

-Clan wars

If not, that's cool.

There are plenty of clans out there getting more done.  That's the down-side I suppose to NPOA (no pressure, obligations or assholes <-- getit?).

Clans ran by guys like this are plethora

Love, peace and chicken grease


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