Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A long blog post: tlr: pitch in if ya want!

1st off, a special "Thanks!" to _Goliard for being so clan-active lately.  "The Clan" needs that.  (When you tell people "I'm in a clan" without a preemptive description that it's an online thing with geeks and video games, you get some odd looks).

_Goliard has been recruiting, reading clan stuff, asking clan questions <-- very awesome.  It brings a fat tear to my fat eye.

Idkhtmac (I don't know how to make a clan).  I mean, I made it.  I spent gold and made a clan.  After that, I kept shufflin' tanks (playing tanks) and recruiting.  FKD's Guide To Making a Clan:

  • Go to "make a clan" webpage.
  • Spend gold to "make a clan."
  • Recruit
  • Recruit
  • Recruit
  • Recruit
  • Infinity+1

Iharlaiaagjly (I have a real life and I am a guy just like you).

My dream/hope/goal was that, "if you build it, they will come" (not cum ... gotta explain this for shing).  I think that's maybe starting to happen.  I see it like a gas cloud in the cosmos, building, sinking into a center via its own gravity, starts forming mass....  You end up with either a Jupiter, with nothing or, like kick-starting a lawn mower or weedeater: a star!

Interjection: I've been in clans where the leader(s) was like, "oh, you made the clan a website.  hrm, you shouldn't have done that. that's what I/we do" <-- and they never do eet, evar, and the clan dies.  So, do eet!!!!!

Idk.  I did a lot of drugs in high school.  My brain ain't right.  It'll be a year this March since I made this clan. Wgaffkmgyfwaw (who gives a fuck fatkiddown?!? my god you fucking whiney ass woman!).

[Arguing with shing in email whilst typing this, where was I?]

Here's some real quotes from people that I've tried to recruit over the some-odd 11 months [mind you, I keep a tally of each name I invite/recruit and _never_ send more than one invite]:

"Get fucked clan wanker!" <-- and when I tried to reply, I was on his ignore list.  Wait, I need to just put the graphics up on some of these:

Then there's the stuff from people who accepted the invite, but left:

"What's this shit on my tank?" [Talking about the clan logo]
"So let's see, you've been a clan almost a year now and have never done clan wars?"

And then, some just leave for w/e reason.  Some leave mad ^ and some leave good -- like, to go to the Sea server when it popped, which was way cool.  These guys sent nice emails thanking me, and apologizing for leaving and stuff.  It was well done....

And some leave, but never really leave.  This is sorta like Sonny and Cher having affairs, but living in the same big house -- with they lovers and all.... I'm talking about perm AFKers.  Boy, we got 'em!

More negative stuff (my god, you're still reading this, but haven't left the clan yet?)

Since March 2012, I have invited (all but 2 recruits I think), 58 total people who accepted (out of a kabillion invites who did not accept).  Of those 58, 18 have left the clan for whatever reason.  That leaves 40.

Of those 40, 12 have been AFK for more than 2 weeks -- some, since forever.

Of the 12 AFKers (not in WoT for more than 2 weeks) the total number of weeks they have been AFK is 143 weeks.

So basically, 58 (who accepted the invite) -18 (people who left) -12 (AFKers) = 28 (active members).  28 people who play at least weekly/end-up in clan channel in game.  We'll stop there for now.

Back to the AFKers:
I gave a figure of "2" starting at 2 weeks since logged on.  But here's the skinny, raw numbers of weeks since last battle:

A nice spreadsheet to show AFK in weeks
Believe it or not, I have, so far, in this post, _NOT_ meant to be negative, or run anyone off.  What I _think_ my intentions are is to show you what's going on with "Teh Clan."  So that, well, you can know, can make a decision, be aware, wtfever.

If nothing else, I guess I hope this'll show you where I'm coming from.  Lemme take this time to say:

It's is entirely acceptable to:

  • Be AFK in Tank Club
  • Be uninvolved in Tank Club....

Fuck it, let's Fight Club it:
The first rule of tank Club is: You do not have to be in Tank club. The second rule of tank Club is: You do not have to be in Tank Club. Third rule of tank Club: someone doesn't do voice chat, clan chat, refuses to platoon w/ clanmates, that's totally cool. Fourth rule: only two guys to a tank. Fifth rule: one clan at a time, fellas. I.e., you can leave this clan and join another. Sixth rule: no shirts, no shoes. Seventh rule: tanks will go on as long as they have to. And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first night at tank Club, you have to tank.

Leavers poached:

Some players are poached.  It is currently happening to boot <-- other clan leaders see our talent and they come after them.  /Queue "When you're in love with a beautiful woman...."  Or "Is someone getting the best! the best! the best! the best! of you?!?!?"

I will not lie here (I haven't lied yet).  Losing a recruit I worked hard to get to another clan is tough, but I get over it.  I also tell myself that there is a silver-lining:

  • It meshes us with other clans to an extent
  • There's a chance we can join with other clans
  • It opens some other door I do not currently understand

Do I wish that guy had stayed with us, in Tank Club?  Certainly.  I want them to go, "well, I'm in Tank Club. I'm gonna grow this current clan and make it just like better! than that clan who's trying to poach me!"

^what poaching may look like

And so as to end this rant which no one is still reading: that's all this is about.  Once again, help out if you want this clan to be more than it currently is.

As some awesome clanmates said last night that I had an awesome time platooning with:

"I saw the posts on the forums [_Goliards recruiting stuff].  Are we gonna start doing clan stuff?"

Mein Gott in Heimel! (<-- that's my made up German).  We have been!  But get on board.  do eet!

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