Saturday, August 18, 2012

Clan, et al., news:

FYI, in case you don't know, it is x3 XP this entire weekend:

Do keep an eye out for good recruits and send their name my way!

Do send me your email address if at all possible.

In other clan news:

-I'm hitting recruiting hard this weekend.  July was a great month as we garnered some 10ish members.  I've been slipping this month, but hopefully, will finish it with some success.  I have a list of names of players that have caught my eye that I'm going to follow-up with this weekend....

Other news:

-WoT Assistant & are still not updating -- going on at least a week now.  No word from the devs.
I did get turned on to this site during this outage: <-- pretty cool looking, shows top 10 players at home page.  The problem is it, too, is suffering from the stats not updating anymore.  People have said that WoT Assistant is working fine on Apple products (can feel shing raging)....

Happy tanking all,


 For gits and shiggles, here's the 45th Anniversary, 2012, Camaro

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