Sunday, August 18, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

New Doman Name & Forums

Tank Club now has its own domain name:!

Please visit and create an account and discuss World of Tanks stuff with us!


It's a club ... about tanks....

she is waiting to talk to you at!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

New Company Commander!

Congo rats to Antietam17 who has accepted the position of Company Commander!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Leadership Positions Open

Tank Club is looking for: Recruiters and Company Commanders. If you are interested, please apply. Duties:

1. Be active on the wot forums.
2. Be willing and able to recruit new members on a regular basis (relax, there's no whip here to drive you; you just need to want to do this).
3. Be friendly, nice, easy-going.

A boring recruiting image

Company Commander:

1. Be good at the game.
2. Be able to give advice and teach.
3. Be able to commander others in combat.
4. Be able to understand and divulge strategies.
(Note: when playing with a Company Commander, you must follow his order ... ok ok, no pressure/obligations/requirements, so, this is more a request)

A Company Commander -- this dude kicked-ass!!!

If interested, please contact fkd


-fkd again

--Aaaaaand fkd....

Shameless pic to keep you reading....

Friday, August 2, 2013

New Members

Since my last posting, we've collected a slew of new members.

Wait, wtf is a slew?

(of a vehicle or person) Turn or slide violently or uncontrollably in a particular direction.
A violent or uncontrollable sliding movement.
A large number or quantity of something: "he asked me a slew of questions".
verb.   turn - slue - rotate - swing - spin - wheel - swivel
noun.   mass - turn - slue

^ah k ... still don't know.  N E How.

Hang on, time for females:

sadly, this is not a new member of Tank Club
Ok, back to new members....

Honestly, you can just go here, sort by date, and see for yourself (that's what I just did):

New members are!


I like to provide a picture for each member when I post about them.  I'm lazy and am just going to find a group shot:

this about sums it up

girls love men who video game