Monday, March 18, 2013


I've not posted since 3/4/2013 .. I know, what an incredible revelation!

I've been playing a bit of other vid games lately, mostly DoTA2 and SC2DS.  (Oh, and my account got hacked -- now fixed; ALWAYS use an authenticator if available).

We've had some departures.  I hate to see anyone go, but I also make an effort to not care.  It used to really bother me, I would be like, "whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!"

But now, I don't care so much (don't get me wrong, I care, just not as much)....

Clan Wars: it's a hot topic, for those who want to do clan wars.  We will prolly not be doing them any time soon, not on the radar, etc.  I say this lots right?

Winning: don't take it so srsly, and/or, go seal clubbing to supplement losing.  Bottomline: upper tiers=more losses, for anyone.  I am a shameless seal clubber.  I blame shing.

This is a pretty lame update, but just wanted to check in.

Oh and, this clan is represented by you.  Don't let anyone else define what it is.  It is not about stats unless you make it about stats.  It's not about clan wars unless you make it that.

In college, I worked at this retail store.  This guy comes in during a big rush on some sale.  He's like, "why are all these people here?"  Imma smartass and go, "well, you're here...."

^I.e., "no one is on" and "this clan is dead" and "no one will platoon with me" and "these guys suck in this clan they keep losing."  Well, log into the game, get involved/create some clan thing, form a platoon yourself, and for the love of god, stop blaming others for your losses....

If you can find a better clan then go, please, but go nicely.

Oh, and if you just need a break then take a break.  All good....

Love, peace and chicken grease


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