Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Emails & Potato

The WoT messenger service is borked.  It is extremely frustrating to try and use.  Yes, you can hit that check box at the top of the clan list, and it'll auto-fill all boxes of all members.  Then, make sure to uncheck yourself.  Compose your message, hit "send."  And it says, "nope."

I then go and make sure my messenger service isn't full at the forums.



So, I sent the clan message to 12 of you whose emails I have.  I then sent it to 5 others in the messenger service, which does work if I add one-by-one, but after 5, you have to compose an entirely new message.

Do the math:

I have one message/email to send to the clan:

-I send to the 12 whose emails I have.
-I send to 5 more from the messenger service.
-So, 38 - 12 -5 = 21 / 5 means I have to send the message 4.2 more times.

I'm not going to do it.

From now on, I will only send clan messages to the emails I gots.

Please give me an email address.  I mean, you can make email addresses like eating potato chips.

It's potato if you think about it.

This is not a requirement, as this clan has no requirements, but it would be nice.

So, be nice.  Like me.  I'm very, very, very nice.  Ask shing....

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