Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sage advice on TDs & SPGs....

...well, everyone was sage but me that is:

BobLoblaw: i've skipped shit tanks though
fatkiddown: I dumped bunches into the US TD line to knock out a lot
fatkiddown: oh ya
fatkiddown: the slugger
fatkiddown: (shudder)
fatkiddown: that thing was just aweful
BobLoblaw: i made it to the t25 and stopped
BobLoblaw: t30 i had from before etc, and the t95 i have no desire
fatkiddown: I like the T25 a lot
BobLoblaw: yeah its a nice tank
BobLoblaw: no real desire for the t28 either
BobLoblaw: not a fan of super slow tanks
fatkiddown: ya
fatkiddown: I like the T28 ok tho
fatkiddown: had 9 kills in it I think
fatkiddown: shoulda been 10
BobLoblaw: you have a jagdtiger?
fatkiddown: yar
fatkiddown: loves it
fatkiddown: can't beat 6th sense on a TD
fatkiddown: have it on my jdt
BobLoblaw: i want one, but i've heard mixed reviews
fatkiddown: I play all TDs the same
fatkiddown: hide, snipe
fatkiddown: "from a long goddamn way off...."
BobLoblaw: lol i'd probably be terrible in a jt then
fatkiddown: It used to have _the_ greatest penetration of any tank or td in the game
fatkiddown: I think of all my TDs I have worst w/r in it
fatkiddown: but things get tough at high tiers
BobLoblaw: i usually ram my 704 down peoples throats, for better or worse sometimes lol
fatkiddown: 704 is to be respected
fatkiddown: such alphastrike
BobLoblaw: its not much of a sniper
BobLoblaw: though some games it seems to not miss, while others not so much
BobLoblaw: slowly grinding towards a maus, and i guess the jt, though only at the hetzer lol
123zorn: the german TD line is not a bad slog. The Russian was a slog as the 212 is just a SU-14 slightly warmed over and its a lot of xp to move beyond the SU-14 gun to the 261.
123zorn: the GW Tiger is just mediocre as well, but is more like the 212 in action than any of the other German arty
123zorn: The GWE has faster reload and slight accuracy improvement but not the killer that the 261 or T92 are.
BobLoblaw: the 261 feels like a reskinned hummel
BobLoblaw: damage is meh, AP is overrated
123zorn: the 261 is very accurate, it is a lot like a hummel, but is a lot harder hitting, it is excellent for counter arty ops as it moves fast to get out of the way of returning fire
123zorn: I like the 261, now the T92 splash make it very worthwhile, overall the german line up to the GWP is the most fun (I'm slogging the french now, the 105AM is horrid since HE has been nerfed)
123zorn: the US line is a good one once you get to the bigger gun on the M7, from there its a good run where playability increases as tier increases
BobLoblaw: 261 doesnt hit that hard, low trajectory rarely hits top down
123zorn: the russian line is good to the SU-14 and then on hold until the 261 in terms of increased power. The SU-14 is the sweet spot for russian arty as it does huge damage for its tier
BobLoblaw: you get lucky sometimes, but normally pretty meh with HE, and AP is a coin toss as to it bouncing
123zorn: cerrtainly for its tier, the 261 is a lightweight for alpha, but its ROF is pretty awesome for its accuracy + damage
BobLoblaw: very true
123zorn: if you miss on the T92 (a fairly common occurance) it takes forever to reload so that part is painful
BobLoblaw: splash is insane though
123zorn: I never use AP, a miss is just too expensive with it
BobLoblaw: i would like my 261 alot more if it didn't have such a flat trajectory
123zorn: if we get into clan wars, I would love to try some gold HE on the T92 for, must be a hoot
123zorn: I agree on the 261, but movement is so fast that relocating fora better shot is very viable unlike the T92 or GWE
BobLoblaw: it is, and good for td mode, but once again the trajectory sucks for non huge maps
BobLoblaw: that mountain pass one, its generally useless
BobLoblaw: shooting uphill also a pain

What sage may look like....

Welcome! dualmaster333!

Good to have ya bro!  Hang out!


Welcome! kamikazi_tank!

We now have a kamikazi!  Always wanted one.  Platooned with him last night and had mad fun.  Welcome to the clan bro....

Just a duck face....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Promotion: 123zorn Deputy Commander

123zorn has been promoted to position of Deputy Commander.

He has shown maturity, recommended recruits and is an active player.

I think this is a good move for the clan.

Congo rats!

Emails & Potato

The WoT messenger service is borked.  It is extremely frustrating to try and use.  Yes, you can hit that check box at the top of the clan list, and it'll auto-fill all boxes of all members.  Then, make sure to uncheck yourself.  Compose your message, hit "send."  And it says, "nope."

I then go and make sure my messenger service isn't full at the forums.



So, I sent the clan message to 12 of you whose emails I have.  I then sent it to 5 others in the messenger service, which does work if I add one-by-one, but after 5, you have to compose an entirely new message.

Do the math:

I have one message/email to send to the clan:

-I send to the 12 whose emails I have.
-I send to 5 more from the messenger service.
-So, 38 - 12 -5 = 21 / 5 means I have to send the message 4.2 more times.

I'm not going to do it.

From now on, I will only send clan messages to the emails I gots.

Please give me an email address.  I mean, you can make email addresses like eating potato chips.

It's potato if you think about it.

This is not a requirement, as this clan has no requirements, but it would be nice.

So, be nice.  Like me.  I'm very, very, very nice.  Ask shing....

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

State of The Clan

We are now at 37 members.  That's the most we've had.

I'm hoping to try Tank Companies again soon.

Clan Wars are still out there.  I just want to have enough involvement.  The last Tank Company night we tried, 3 people showed-up -- that's a platoon.

In my mind, rate of fire -- not alpha strike -- matters.  I.e., when we reach a critical mass of enough active members to field a team of 15, _THEN_, we can try, first, Tank Companies and next, Clan Wars.

What does this mean for you?  Just keep playing tanks.


World of Tanks Statistics

This is a cool-looking proggy.  Just installed it:


Forum Post by Author

Friday, July 6, 2012

Welcome: hairchicken!

Good to have ya bro!

I searched for, "hairychicken" and this image came up
I just couldn't resist....

Welcome, Archwarder!

Archwarder has decided to join the ranks of TLR.  Welcome bro!

Just a shameless attempt to get page views up....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Clan Stats

For those of you interested in checking out our clan stats, go here:

Very nice lay-out.

I've compared our stats to other clans of relative fame and/or notoriety, and we are pretty solid I feel.

Platooning, and jelling (gelling?) will make us more than just stats which, I feel, are largely based on solo play....

We are gellin' like this guy:

Welcome! Minymous!

Welcome to the clan, Minymous!

I'm running outta welcome pics so,
I typed in, "look at this" and this caught my eye....

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Battle: Ralf_HK:

Battle: Dragon Ridge 2012年7月1日 上午 06:30:40
Vehicle: AMX 50 120
Experience received: 1,519
Credits received: 52,066
Battle Achievements: Kolobanov's Medal, Böelter's Medal, Top Gun, Invader, Defender, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

Nj Ralf_HK!!!