Saturday, June 2, 2012

Great Recruiting!

We gained 2 new recruits this week with absolutely no effort on my part.  I want to thank redpanther and HeavysSandwich for recruiting Busy_Bacon and edmar61, respectively.

This is nice... very nice.

My recruiting has screeched to a halt for about a week now.

Rambling on (/queue Led Zeppelin), the clan feels nice.  I know, cuz I put my thing in it.  I mean, there's a core always platooning and stuff.  And that's good.

We had 2, bi-weekly clan meets.  I have not scheduled or promoted the 3rd.  It is on hold indefinitely.  Diablo 3 and other stuff knocked the knees out of the 2nd meet, with only about 3 making it -- that's a platoon.  Since we platoon lotsa nights, I figure, why schedule it.

We'll pick up meets again once interest picks up and/or, new recruits show incentive.

But there's more to come guys.


What Led Zeppelin may look like

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