Thursday, June 21, 2012

XVM Working With 7.4

I got XVM version 2.4.1 working with 7.4:

Download from here:

I did have to reinstall the Dokan library:

Also, make sure to right click on all the files (dunno if all have to be done but I did) and do "unblock" -- I had to do this on Windows 7.

Here's some 1,2,3 instructions, but I like to open my zips and manually copy the files over myself:

I have not yet tried the mod that shows stats in _that_ individual tank however.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Clan Logo: after-thoughts....

Just to let you know, I am happy with the new clan logo concept, but
not with all the renders -- you have to upload at least 3 different
sizes of it, and it changes the graphic each time.  It looks ok in
some places, meh in others.

I guess I'll redo it some time, but not soon.  I'll keep the concept
of the red fist with black outlines.  Basically, I just need to go
into each render and polish each pixel....

It was up on the blog for quite a bit before going live, so, I hope
all like it....

New Logo: How to make it work

The new logo works.  Although others will see it fine, it will not show on your game client until you do the following:
1. Close WoT.
2. Go to: C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\\WorldOfTanks\custom_data
3. Delete all files.
Now, relaunch the game.  This fixed it for me.

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Clan Logo(s)

Check out the new logos.  These are transparent, so, hopefully, no more borders when icon is on the tank.

This is just an idea.  I might throw more up.  We can decide, as a clan, what is best.
Lemme know whatcha think.  Be honest.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Great Recruiting!

We gained 2 new recruits this week with absolutely no effort on my part.  I want to thank redpanther and HeavysSandwich for recruiting Busy_Bacon and edmar61, respectively.

This is nice... very nice.

My recruiting has screeched to a halt for about a week now.

Rambling on (/queue Led Zeppelin), the clan feels nice.  I know, cuz I put my thing in it.  I mean, there's a core always platooning and stuff.  And that's good.

We had 2, bi-weekly clan meets.  I have not scheduled or promoted the 3rd.  It is on hold indefinitely.  Diablo 3 and other stuff knocked the knees out of the 2nd meet, with only about 3 making it -- that's a platoon.  Since we platoon lotsa nights, I figure, why schedule it.

We'll pick up meets again once interest picks up and/or, new recruits show incentive.

But there's more to come guys.


What Led Zeppelin may look like