Saturday, April 13, 2013


Battle: Abbey Saturday, April 13, 2013 8:08:25 AM
Vehicle: Löwe Experience received: 9,485 (x5 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 112,776
Battle Achievements: Sniper

Map: Fisherman's Bay Date: Saturday, April 13, 2013 11:32:26 AM
Vehicle: T71 Exp: 10,185 (x5)
+ Credits: 53,677

Saturday, April 6, 2013

And... stuff

I hope to blog more regularly.  I hope to entertain.

We have an incredible forum going on at  <-- check eet!!!

Minymous set it us up the bomb for us....  It is nice.  I've been reading about phpbb and it is some cool stuff.  I am a huge fan of open source and php.

This be your wiki on that thar phpbb aaarrrrrrrrrrrr (dunno why I id pirate just then).


And then, this dude sets up and says, "hey everyone! come make free forums and I'll host them!!!!"  Why are some poeple just so nice?

Did you know, in Shakespeare's day, Elizabethan England time, "nice" meant "retard" or "retarded."  Cuz like, retarded people are clueless and nice, and don't do passive aggression and shit.  This word became "nice" to us today.  We don't call intelligent people "nice" who don't play fuck head games.  We call them, "magnanimous."  So, shing, he's nice....

(I hope I did not offend anyone by that like if you have someone in your family with special needs; if so, sorry, truly)

Time for motorcycle bikinis:

I got off track (snaps fingers "over here!!!")

We got some awesome stuff going on.  I want to thank mailman411 and _Goliard for their continued work in recruiting and events <-- these are essential to clan growth.  And growth is good.  We are growers....

And now to answer that age-old question: what happens when you put panty hose on a dog?